
CARSS produces and disseminates new knowledge concerning religion and sexual politics within black communities through collaborative and independent research initiatives. To this end, CARSS develops its own qualitative and quantitative studies, and provides support to individuals and organizations engaged in research and writing consistent with its mission and vision.


CARSS serves as a resource for course and curriculum develop (on and off campus) for teaching resources on religion, race and sexuality.  In this vein, CARSS will sponsor courses, seminars, academic panels, and conferences. CARSS also serves as a clearinghouse and capacity-building resource for educators and organizations seeking to advance dialogue consistent with its goals.


By hosting workshops, think sessions and public forums, CARSS works to help build the capacity of individuals and organizations (i.e. academic, religious, and ‘community-based) seeking to advance conversations around religion, race and sexuality by. Moreover, CARSS works to enrich and inform public conversations by placing scholars and local and national leaders in conversation and drawing upon cutting-edge scholarship to develop and disseminate more nuanced yet accessible narratives concerning religion, race and sexual politics.